Founded in 2016, IT4Canada is a group of trusted IT associates who have worked together providing guidance and support to small and medium sized businesses in western Canada for over 25 years.
Today, IT4Canada Principals Jason and Brian together bring over 50 years of computing expertise to your computing challenges and are branching east in Ontario.
We leverage our many years of experience and combine it with a willingness to understand your goals to engineer successful solutions and forge a lasting client relationships. We believe that to be successful, business must embrace technology in a strategic and secure manner – now and for the future.
What Makes IT4Canada Unique?
IT4Canada owns our entire technology platform, giving us complete control over the security and reliability of our service offerings. We do not “farm out” any of our back-up, disaster recovery, cloud, or hosted application solutions. If a business is located in Canada, customers may never be more than 45 minutes from their data. Our data centers are located on Canadian soil only, protecting the privacy of Canadian businesses.